Conquest 10 – Notable Sector 5 Feats. Arena Special Event Light Side Territory Battle - Hoth Dark Side Territory Battle - Hoth Territory War Territory War - Offense Territory War - Defense Raid - AAT Raid - The Pit Raid - The Sith Triumvirate Grand Arena Grand Arena - Offense Grand Arena - Defense Light Side Territory Battle - Geo Dark Side. Dispel - All Enemies. Right now I use these three teams for defense. If you put him on defense, you can still use the Triumvirate. Aggressive Empire Capital Ship that crushes debuffed enemies. 586: 5: x5 x5 x4 : 46 +20% Damage: 3. You can counter them with a lot of teams nowadays. Dispel - All Enemies. Sort By. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Ships. DoT. Also if you find yourself finishing the battle too fast you can stall with the event special thermoregulate. Disciplined Separatist Attacker with high damage, counter attacks, and debuff capabilities. Expose. You and I are in similar GP areas. Any help is appreciated. Defense Penetration Up. About : Offense Teams video link: Merch: My Twitch Channel:. Dispel. Armor Shred. While in Grand Arenas if all allies were Light Side at the start of battle: When this ability is used, Ben Solo’s cooldowns are reduced. Join. About : I stream every day on Twitch, come hang out and ask questions about the video or anything else! Check out and come hang with me. 1 Comment on "SWGoH: Quick Tips for Success in Conquest 14 – March 2022". Tusken Shaman. 0. All Scoundrel allies gain 20% Max Health, 20% Potency, and 20% Offense. Dispel - All Enemies. Evasion Down. There are a lot of Scoundrel characters in SWGOH, so this can give Dash Rendar the flexibility to work with the Solo. Last updated: GAC S eason 41 - 3v3. Trusted Agent. 5%. Based on 939,715 GAC Battles analyzed this season. Jump to navigation Jump to search. There are a few noteworthy ones amongst these and we will tell you which we think is the best one. Dispel. reinforce with 6 star vulture droid first and g11 geo spy or g12 geo soldier next. x40 x16 x20. The Galactic Republic: Padme Amidala – Anakin Skywalker – Ahsoka Tano – Jedi Master Kenobi – C-3PO. 0. Scoundrel turned Rebel sympathizer that helps her team deal area of effect damage. Good luck to everyone on your own. Whenever Mace gains Taunt, he dispels it and gains 2 stacks of Resilient Defense. At 3. Whenever a Prepared ally scores a critical hit, all Prepared allies gain 2% Turn Meter. March 10, 2022 6:21PM. But who else would benefit from that team comp. Raddus is one of the teams in the game. Jedi Knight: Inflict Force Influence on all enemies for 2 turns Force Influence: Can't assist, counter attack, or gain buffs (raid bosses and Galactic Legends: -30%. Deal Special damage to target enemy and inflict Defense Down for 1 turn. 247 posts Member. Dispel. r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes. Offense Lead = Bossk (Needs more manual control to trigger contract) Boba. 000: 6: x8 x7 x5 : 56: Rebel Fighter allies gain Speed Up for 2 turns: 3. Damage: 8970 - 9914A princess in disguise, fooling Jabba's court with strong Thermal Detonator synergy. Currently for GAC my resistance teams are. Determination: Whenever any other Resistance ally falls below 50% Health, Determination expires and Finn Taunts for 2 turns. 82. Check out all the latest SWGOH Characters, stats and abilities on the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes App for iOS and Android!. Offensive Droid who supports a Droid team with extra stats and debuffs the enemy team. 9. BY: Edward Banes. Banners. Join Premium to remove ads! SWGOH. 4) Under Nihilus lead, I might mod for more defense as you have health steal so damage reduction works better than having a larger effective health pool. Roster 1 basically needs to set their GL on defense to have a chance to win because they need to play for a half board win. Use JKR to give Bastilla more turns because she is slow and often opponents die off before you get the feat otherwise. T3-M4. 84. Defense Up. (Apparantly the easier team to run is GG-B1-IG100-BB8-3PAC) For the Offense up 20 times feat i got crushed with JKR lead, so switched to JKL lead and it was a walk in the park, had to stall in the end to get off/spread the last offense up (from. View Executive Order Mechanics. Plo, Ahsoka, Sarge, and Rex as reinforcements. Last updated: a day ago. The meta teams are meta for a reason, and Raddus is no galactic legend. Endure – Gain Tenacity Up 40 times is a feat that is much easier if you use Chirrut Imwe, Dengar, Droideka, Grand Master Yoda, Greef Karga, Jedi Master Kenobi, L3-37, Shaak Ti, Tech, Wrecker or a few select other characters. This team is all about landing dots and. Speed matters for the opening volley. All enemies gain Merciless Target, which can't be evaded or resisted. Attack Defense. 5%. Currently, we are only showing Character battles on their first attempt. Third Enemy: 25% Max Health recovery on hitting with an attack. I attack with my jkr jedoold republic squad. Units. View Executive Order Meta. You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. Leo36033 • 2 yr. Defense Up. JKA AOE gives everyone offense up, then GMY can spread it. Don't know where you've heard that Vader is not ideal. . Dispel. zChirpa, Paploo, Wicket (might be better offense though) zEP, Vader, Tank (Shore or SiT are good options) zzFB Luke, zNest (better for banners on offense) GK, zBarriss, zEzra (either way, annoying) Just some thoughts and a lot of experience. I know zBariss is one of the best zetas in the game, but before I commit to a team like that I wanted to get an idea of what. 0. LV can maybe be replaced by other leads but the extra DOTs were nice. Running Malak with 3 defense sets in a SEE team could make him an insanely strong tank. Shocked enemies are Stunned for 2 turns and have their Shock dispelled. If you feel you are losing too much ground overnight (or whenever you are away from the game), you could consider using a more defensive-oriented squad in your final arena battle of the day. Q'ira, zVandor Chewie, L3. ) 3) Equally great on defense and offense - Ewoks / First Order (with Kylo Unmasked lead) 4) Not sure where these teams would be best - Clone troopers /. Last updated: 3 hours ago. Season 39 - 3v3. Defense Up. Gain Turn Meter. 6%. Foresight. Sith · Attacker · Separatist · Leader. NEW JML Defense Holds vs Galactic Legends! Best 3v3 Defense? 4364 views. Shaak Ti - Gear Relic 9. Dispel. Revan, Traya, zBastila, zKRU, zBossk BH, CLS + Chewie+ C3PO Rebels, Qi'ra Scoundrels, zTalzinNS, RexWampa, zPalpatine + darkstila Siths. Team Offense has the double-whammy of Speed Down debuff from Phasma. 5%. But them in back to back zones so your opponent uses main counter on one, might get a hold on the other. 72) Next, we calculate the deepest set of brackets – (85*7. Greedo. SWGOH. if you have an expectation of SLKR, then you shoudl do full FO to prevent any TM gain from FOO. Stun them for 1 turn. Dispel - All Allies. Light Side · Leader · Jedi · Attacker · Leader. Deal Special damage to target enemy and inflict Potency Down for 1 Turn. Team Effort! True Pride and Accomplishment right here. Versatile Jedi Attacker that uses dispels and buffs to adapt to the battle. Use DOT disks like Volatile Accelerator. Last updated: 3 hours ago. Evasion Down. First Order are great defensively in TW because of the bonuses they get. GAC S eason 41 - 3v3. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. It looks like it will be: GG, b2, b1, magna, dooku. 52 %. July 16, 2023 | SWGoH: Quick Tips for Success in Conquest 31-33 – July to. Last updated: Hold %. CLS Trio - Great undermanned squad to grab a potential 62 banner victory. Expose. Pao gets TM from his middle special, which is the best move to spam, so Hoth boy. GAC S eason 41 - 3v3. Foresight. However, while Territory Wars includes two players facing off in. Emperor Palpatine - Gear Relic 9. GG is a Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Database and Squad Builder for the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes app on. While Mace has Resilient Defense, he has +10% Offense per stack and 100% counter chance. Maybe pair it with Padme GR, your best survivability disks, and GMY to spread the buff once he has it. It splits up the CLS team fairly well at that point tooegnards So far up CG’s ass I need a flashlight to get out - u. ago. I use 5 star malevolence with a starting lineup of g12 bossk, g12 sun fac, and 5 star hyena. An inventive and chaotic Support who employs dangerous treasures and technology to empower her team and unravel her foes. An easy way to beat the Sector 2 Armor Up feat is to do a battle with Clone Wars Chewbacca as lead; he gives the team 50% chance of gaining Defense Up each time they’re hit. Dispel - All Allies. Last updated: a few seconds ago. Based on 939,715 GAC Battles analyzed this season. Evasion Up. This time I cheated and went with JMK, Shaak Ti and I could easily get Offense Up 69 times if needed. Rank Cost Level * Upgrade. (33,888+60,573)* (1+0. Dispel - All Enemies. MM makes every rebel fighter assist each other. Edit: Formatting. 0. Foresight. Umbaran StarfighterSWGOH Grand Arena Championships Meta Squads. Adds 200% critical chance for one attack. Based on 939,715 GAC Battles analyzed this season. DickMartin • 4 yr. Expose. GAC S eason 41 - 3v3. Traya Triumvirate - Great Geo counter, ideal counter for probably the most common defensive. DoT. ll have. I second this. GMY can also steal offense up from whoever First Order Officer gives the turn meter and advantage to, with his AOE. There are three types of modifiers; Global, Player, and Enemy. You can even sub Old Ben for Chirrut. 72% respectively. 3v3 Team Ideas with the JMK+CAT meta! - August 2021; Devastating 3v3 Defense Setups! Ten essential tips for building 3v3 squads in Grand Arena; SWGoH GAC 3v3 TOP 10 BEST DEFENCE/OFFENCE WITH GUESTS; BEST DEFENSE GRAND ARENA 3V3 TRIO TEAMS GUIDE! Top 3v3 *Sleeper* Characters For Grand Arena!. 0. Offense up gives you 1800 atk, Defense up gives you 300 defense. Evasion Down. 3759) = 129968. 10. -Geos are great if you have Mothma as well and use both on D. Expose. It‘s about disrupting standard counters in GAC or TW. Evasion Down. 0. x20. Low but consistent protection regen, definitely capable of grabbing 60+ banners. Should I swap any of these defenses. As for toons, there is not one singular correct strategy. Rex's ARC-170. DoT. all of those can be fantastic defensive teams if they are modded and geared well. Deal Physical damage to target enemy with a 70% chance to inflict Defense Down for 3 turns. About : Offensive Teams video: Merch: My Twitch Channel:. For GA/TW you'll want Vader elsewhere. Get yourself Jango as AV is doing nothing in that team. Gain Turn Meter. Evasion Up. Watch and Learn 3 turn cooldown. The first instance of damage dispels Stealth and Dazes for 2 turns, the second instance of damage inflicts Defense Down for 2 turns, and the third instance of damage inflicts Critical Damage Down for 2 turns. Wat is also a common addition, sometimes wat+gas, wat+jtr. Bastila is a good leader for the Jedi faction, her leader ability grants all jedi allies a 200% undispellable Protection Up. Roster 2 has a lot more flexibility in how they play the matchup. While Palpatine is active, at the start of each enemy turn, they take damage equal to 20% of their Max Health for each of the following: they are Shocked; they are a Jedi; they are a Rebel. Dispel - All Enemies. That’ll Leave a Mark – Gaining Offense Up 500 times is no east feat, so be sure to use characters who. Based on 1,667,101 GAC Battles analyzed this season. LS, any team with Old Ben.